Ms. Chitra Dhiman (born on 31 October 1982) is a dynamic personality with a keen interest and deep knowledge in applied fields like Astrology, Psychology, Yoga, Meditation, Ayurveda, & Naturopathy. She is having M.Sc. Psychology and Post Graduate Diploma in Guidance and Counselling. She has worked as a Counsellor in ART Centre, Rajindra Hospital, Patiala (w.e.f. 3/04/08 to 2/04/09), and as a Research Fellow in the Department of Psychology at Netaji Shubhash National Institute of Sports (NSNIS), Patiala (w.e.f.16/1/2009 to 17/11/2011). During her fellowship at NSNIS, Patiala, she has successfully completed two theses entitled “Effect of Autogenic Training & Mental Imagery on Confidence, Perceived Stress & Anxiety in relation to the Performance of Hockey Players” and “Exploring Flow State in Indian Sports Context”. She has 5 publications in national and international journals. She has participated in and presented her research work at various places in national and international events. As a psychologist, counselor, and research fellow she has skillfully handled and resolved psychological problems of various individuals in general and national/international level Indian players in particular. During her journey as a psychologist, counselor, and research fellow she realized that the complete solution to human problems does not lie in a single field only rather combined application of various applied fields like Astrology, Psychology, Yoga, Meditation, Ayurveda, & Naturopathy (depending upon the nature of the problem) would result into a complete solution. Hence she has expanded her knowledge and skills from Psychology to Astrology, Yoga, Meditation, Ayurveda, & Naturopathy in order to serve society in a comprehensive manner.